
import Base from './core/Base';
import Joint from './Joint';
import Texture2D from './Texture2D';
import Texture from './Texture';
import BoundingBox from './math/BoundingBox';
import Matrix4 from './math/Matrix4';

import mat4 from './glmatrix/mat4';
import vec3 from './glmatrix/vec3';
import quat from './glmatrix/quat';

var tmpBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();
var tmpMat4 = new Matrix4();

 * @constructor clay.Skeleton
var Skeleton = Base.extend(function () {
    return /** @lends clay.Skeleton# */{

         * Relative root node that not affect transform of joint.
         * @type {clay.Node}
        relativeRootNode: null,
         * @type {string}
        name: '',

         * joints
         * @type {Array.<clay.Joint>}
        joints: [],

         * bounding box with bound geometry.
         * @type {clay.BoundingBox}
        boundingBox: null,

        _clips: [],

        // Matrix to joint space (relative to root joint)
        _invBindPoseMatricesArray: null,

        // Use subarray instead of copy back each time computing matrix
        _jointMatricesSubArrays: [],

        // jointMatrix * currentPoseMatrix
        // worldTransform is relative to the root bone
        // still in model space not world space
        _skinMatricesArray: null,

        _skinMatricesSubArrays: [],

        _subSkinMatricesArray: {}
/** @lends clay.Skeleton.prototype */

     * Add a skinning clip and create a map between clip and skeleton
     * @param {clay.animation.SkinningClip} clip
     * @param {Object} [mapRule] Map between joint name in skeleton and joint name in clip
    addClip: function (clip, mapRule) {
        // Clip have been exists in
        for (var i = 0; i < this._clips.length; i++) {
            if (this._clips[i].clip === clip) {
        // Map the joint index in skeleton to joint pose index in clip
        var maps = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
            maps[i] = -1;
        // Create avatar
        for (var i = 0; i < clip.tracks.length; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < this.joints.length; j++) {
                var joint = this.joints[j];
                var track = clip.tracks[i];
                var jointName =;
                if (mapRule) {
                    jointName = mapRule[jointName];
                if ( === jointName) {
                    maps[j] = i;

            maps: maps,
            clip: clip

        return this._clips.length - 1;

     * @param {clay.animation.SkinningClip} clip
    removeClip: function (clip) {
        var idx = -1;
        for (var i = 0; i < this._clips.length; i++) {
            if (this._clips[i].clip === clip) {
                idx = i;
        if (idx > 0) {
            this._clips.splice(idx, 1);
     * Remove all clips
    removeClipsAll: function () {
        this._clips = [];

     * Get clip by index
     * @param  {number} index
    getClip: function (index) {
        if (this._clips[index]) {
            return this._clips[index].clip;

     * @return {number}
    getClipNumber: function () {
        return this._clips.length;

     * Calculate joint matrices from node transform
     * @function
    updateJointMatrices: (function () {

        var m4 = mat4.create();

        return function () {
            this._invBindPoseMatricesArray = new Float32Array(this.joints.length * 16);
            this._skinMatricesArray = new Float32Array(this.joints.length * 16);

            for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
                var joint = this.joints[i];
                mat4.copy(m4, joint.node.worldTransform.array);
                mat4.invert(m4, m4);

                var offset = i * 16;
                for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
                    this._invBindPoseMatricesArray[offset + j] = m4[j];


     * Update boundingBox of each joint bound to geometry.
     * ASSUME skeleton and geometry joints are matched.
     * @param {clay.Geometry} geometry
    updateJointsBoundingBoxes: function (geometry) {
        var attributes = geometry.attributes;
        var positionAttr = attributes.position;
        var jointAttr = attributes.joint;
        var weightAttr = attributes.weight;

        var jointsBoundingBoxes = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
            jointsBoundingBoxes[i] = new BoundingBox();
            jointsBoundingBoxes[i].__updated = false;

        var vtxJoint = [];
        var vtxPos = [];
        var vtxWeight = [];
        var maxJointIdx = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < geometry.vertexCount; i++) {
            jointAttr.get(i, vtxJoint);
            positionAttr.get(i, vtxPos);
            weightAttr.get(i, vtxWeight);

            for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
                if (vtxWeight[k] > 0.01) {
                    var jointIdx = vtxJoint[k];
                    maxJointIdx = Math.max(maxJointIdx, jointIdx);

                    var min = jointsBoundingBoxes[jointIdx].min.array;
                    var max = jointsBoundingBoxes[jointIdx].max.array;

                    jointsBoundingBoxes[jointIdx].__updated = true;

                    min = vec3.min(min, min, vtxPos);
                    max = vec3.max(max, max, vtxPos);

        this._jointsBoundingBoxes = jointsBoundingBoxes;

        this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox();

        if (maxJointIdx < this.joints.length - 1) {
            console.warn('Geometry joints and skeleton joints don\'t match');

    setJointMatricesArray: function (arr) {
        this._invBindPoseMatricesArray = arr;
        this._skinMatricesArray = new Float32Array(arr.length);

    updateMatricesSubArrays: function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
            this._jointMatricesSubArrays[i] = this._invBindPoseMatricesArray.subarray(i * 16, (i+1) * 16);
            this._skinMatricesSubArrays[i] = this._skinMatricesArray.subarray(i * 16, (i+1) * 16);

     * Update skinning matrices
    update: function () {


        var jointsBoundingBoxes = this._jointsBoundingBoxes;

        for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
            var joint = this.joints[i];
        if (this.boundingBox) {
            this.boundingBox.min.set(Infinity, Infinity, Infinity);
            this.boundingBox.max.set(-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity);
            for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
                var joint = this.joints[i];
                var bbox = jointsBoundingBoxes[i];
                if (bbox.__updated) {
                    tmpMat4.array = this._skinMatricesSubArrays[i];


    getSubSkinMatrices: function (meshId, joints) {
        var subArray = this._subSkinMatricesArray[meshId];
        if (!subArray) {
                = this._subSkinMatricesArray[meshId]
                = new Float32Array(joints.length * 16);
        var cursor = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < joints.length; i++) {
            var idx = joints[i];
            for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
                subArray[cursor++] = this._skinMatricesArray[idx * 16 + j];
        return subArray;

    getSubSkinMatricesTexture: function (meshId, joints) {
        var skinMatrices = this.getSubSkinMatrices(meshId, joints);
        var size;
        var numJoints = this.joints.length;
        if (numJoints > 256) {
            size = 64;
        else if (numJoints > 64) {
            size = 32;
        else if (numJoints > 16) {
            size = 16;
        else {
            size = 8;

        var texture = this._skinMatricesTexture = this._skinMatricesTexture || new Texture2D({
            type: Texture.FLOAT,
            minFilter: Texture.NEAREST,
            magFilter: Texture.NEAREST,
            useMipmap: false,
            flipY: false
        texture.width = size;
        texture.height = size;

        if (!texture.pixels || texture.pixels.length !== size * size * 4) {
            texture.pixels = new Float32Array(size * size * 4);

        return texture;

    getSkinMatricesTexture: function () {

        return this._skinMatricesTexture;

    _setPose: function () {
        if (this._clips[0]) {
            var clip = this._clips[0].clip;
            var maps = this._clips[0].maps;

            for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
                var joint = this.joints[i];
                if (maps[i] === -1) {
                var pose = clip.tracks[maps[i]];

                // Not update if there is no data.
                // PENDING If sync pose.position, pose.rotation, pose.scale
                if (pose.channels.position) {
                    vec3.copy(joint.node.position.array, pose.position);
                if (pose.channels.rotation) {
                    quat.copy(joint.node.rotation.array, pose.rotation);
                if (pose.channels.scale) {
                    vec3.copy(joint.node.scale.array, pose.scale);

                joint.node.position._dirty = true;
                joint.node.rotation._dirty = true;
                joint.node.scale._dirty = true;

    clone: function (clonedNodesMap) {
        var skeleton = new Skeleton(); =;

        for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
            var newJoint = new Joint();
            var joint = this.joints[i];
            newJoint.index = joint.index;

            if (clonedNodesMap) {
                var newNode = clonedNodesMap[joint.node.__uid__];

                if (!newNode) {
                    // PENDING
                    console.warn('Can\'t find node');

                newJoint.node = newNode || joint.node;
            else {
                newJoint.node = joint.node;


        if (this._invBindPoseMatricesArray) {
            var len = this._invBindPoseMatricesArray.length;
            skeleton._invBindPoseMatricesArray = new Float32Array(len);
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                skeleton._invBindPoseMatricesArray[i] = this._invBindPoseMatricesArray[i];

            skeleton._skinMatricesArray = new Float32Array(len);


        skeleton._jointsBoundingBoxe = (this._jointsBoundingBoxes || []).map(function (bbox) {
            return bbox.clone();


        return skeleton;

export default Skeleton;